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Learn JAVA with MINECRAFT modding

Learn JAVA with MINECRAFT modding

Grade: 3 - 5

by STEAM Works Studio of Monroe

Course description

This course is to teach kids coding and design concepts by creating creative and inspiring projects with cutting-edge technology. In this popular series of courses, kids learn the fundamentals of Java programming by coding their own Mods for Minecraft® that run on PCs.  For every item, block or creature they want to add, kids first design the graphics, then they modify real Java code to quickly program their new features. Students edit Java templates using ECLIPSE in order to learn the fundamentals of the JAVA language without getting bogged down typing hundreds of lines of code one by one. At the end of the course, they will have their own polished Mod that they created on their own. In the process, kids learn the most important concepts of object-oriented computer programming — such as how to instantiate new objects, call methods, define parameters, and run loops all while building their own cool creations. Students get creative crafting their own Textures and designs for skins and custom behaviors.

Learn JAVA with MINECRAFT modding

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